Canvas Goodie Bags

Canvas Goodie Bags go on Sale on November 1st at 3PM EST

Please note, there is a price change this year.

We’ve done our best to keep the price of goodie bags low, but each year bag prices and shipping have inched up, and we simply can’t cover them any longer, even with the very generous donations of our event sponsors. So, regretfully, we’re passing the price of shipping and the bags themselves on to you and this year, meaning that Canvas Goodie Bags are $TBD. This covers the bag itself, shipping the bag, and PayPal’s processing fee. All of the books and goodies inside are kindly donated and are free to you.

Also, we will no longer be shipping goodie bags internationally. We’re really sorry, but as shipping has gone up and up, it’s simply too expensive. We recommend that if you are international and want a bag, you work out an agreement with someone you know in the US. We should warn you, however, that shipping internationally was about $75 a bag last year, and is likely to be at least as much this year.

If you are attending the In-Person Get Together this November 8th – 10th, you will receive a canvas goodie bag. You do not need to order one.

If you are attending the In-Person Get Together in Las Vegas, NV, you will receive your bag in person, and are guaranteed a bag as part of your registration. You do not need to register here. We will hand you your goodie bag, no shipping required, and the bag and PayPal fees have already been rolled into your registration fee.

Order your Canvas Goodie Bag for $27.

2024 Goodie Bags are SOLD OUT

We’re sorry!

You can get a place on the Wait List, just in case.

Canvas Goodie Bags will be on sale November 1st at 3PM EST – November 10th, or until sold out.

PLEASE NOTE: Bags will not be shipped until November 12th, the Tuesday AFTER the event.

We’re very sorry for this but too many of the goodies are coming in the weekend of the event for us to be able to mail them in advance. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you so much to all of our amazing goodie bag contributors!

Shipping is domestic, including Alaska and Hawaii, and will use flat rate boxes.

For any question, issues or comments, please contact Summer at

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

Don Jacobson

Mary Alice Alexander

*If you’re one of our amazing sponsors and your logo is missing and should be here, let Summer know:
