2024 Schedules

Our schedules are a work in progress. More details will be announced.

Thank you for your patience

The Get Together will run from the evening of Friday, November 8th until the afternoon of Sunday, November 10th. All times are listed in Pacific Time. This year’s event will be in-person and virtual. We look forward to seeing you there!

Events in GREEN will be streamed, simultaneously part of the Virtual and In-Person events.

Virtual JAFF Reader/Writer Get-Together Schedule

All times listed are Pacific Time
Friday November 8: All Events Over Zoom

5-6 PM Happy Hour: Virtual attendees will have a chance to meet and chat with each other. If we have a large number of attendees, we will divide into breakout rooms.

6-8 PM WIP Reading: Readings of works in progress by JAFF authors – Moderator, TBD

Readers Include:

Saturday November 9: All Events Over Zoom

9-10 AM Breakfast Chat: An informal opportunity for anyone to drop by and talk about Austen, JAFF, and anything else you’d like. If we have a large number of attendees, we will divide into breakout rooms.

10-11:00 Panel/Presentation: TBD – TBD

11-12:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

12-1:00: Saturday Lunch Break

1-2:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

2-3:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

3-5  Afternoon Tea: Chat and/or WIP Reading

Sunday November 10: All Events Over Zoom

8:30-9:30 AM: WIP Reading. Readings of works in progress by JAFF authors – Moderator, TBD

Readers include:

9:30-10:30 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

10:30-11:30 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

11:30-12:30 Afternoon Chat:  Virtual attendees will have a chance to meet and chat with each other. If we have a large number of attendees, we will divide into breakout rooms.

1PM: End of Get Together

In-Person JAFF Reader/Writer Get-Together Schedule

All times listed are Pacific Time
Friday November 8: Location(s) TBD

5-6 PM Registration: Pick up goodie bags and registration materials. Meet fellow attendees.

6-7:30 PM Friday Dinner and Raffle for Prizes: We’re raffling off some JAFF-related prizes! (tickets are free and will be provided upon registration)

7:30-9:00 PM WIP Reading in TBD: Readings of works in progress by JAFF authors – Moderator, TBD

Readers Include:

9:00 PM: Conversation and Jane Austen Games

Saturday November 9: Location TBD

All Day JAFF Book Swap: Bring your new and used paperback JAFF books to the church to swap for others!

9:30-10 Breakfast: TBD

10-11:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

11-12:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

12-1:00: Tea Time!

1-2:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

2-3:00 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

3-5:00  Break:

5:00 Dinner: TBD

8:00 PM: Games and possibly more WIP Readings

Sunday November 10: Location TBD

9-9:30: Buffet Breakfast

9:30-10:30 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

10:30-11:30 Panel/Presentation:TBD – TBD

12:00: End of Get Together

Important Locations:

